
Monthly Average Temperatures for Three Cities.

Monthly Average Precipitation for Three Cities

Amsterdam's average monthly precipitation is 69.3mm a month or 836.1mm per year
Lille, France has average monthly rainfall of 54.1mm or 645.9mm per year

The climate in the Netherlands is described as temperate, and marine or maritime climate.  It has mild to moderate winters and cooler summers.  The temperature throughout the country does not vary drastically as the country is small.  It appears that the Netherlands averages with lower temps throughout the west near the North Sea and higher temperatures in the northeast near Germany.

This map was found at and shows the temperature expected for 6-9-2013 in degrees celcius.  There appears to be very little range in temperatures across the country.which range from 14 to 20 degrees celsius.

The average monthly temperature of the Netherlands ranges from -1 degree celsius to 20 degrees celsius according to at

According to, Amsterdam's average annual range in temperature is 14.1 degrees celsius ranging from 2.9-17 degrees celsius throughout a year.  The average range in annual precipitation is 65mm which ranges from 39-104mm throughout the year. Lille, France's average annual range in temperature is 14.9 degrees celsius which ranges from 2.8-18 degrees celsius.  The average range in annual precipitation is 21.9mm which ranges from 41.8-63.7mm.  Denver's range in average annual temperatures is a lot higher than either of the other cities.  Denver has a range of 45 degrees celsius.  Denver's average annual precipitation range is 46mm ranging from 12-58mm.
Both Amsterdam and Lille have a lot less of a range of temperatures throughout a year than Denver's which means they dont have as much of a fluctuation or seasonality.  However, Amsterdam's precipitation range is higher than denver's and Lille's is very low compared to both.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought of the Netherlands as having a cooler climate than this, but now I know.

    Thanks for the info, Chris!
